Services for Business

  • Public Relations

  • Crisis Communications Planning and Response

  • Integrated Marketing and Design

Public Relations

Public Relations: Time varies

Alvin Adams once said, “Public relations are a key component of any operation in this day of instant communications and rightly inquisitive citizens.”  The right marketing mix, the well-deserved reputation for excellence, or the well-placed media message can take an organization from anonymity to being an everyday household name.  KerrComm has the creativity and resources to help you with your Public Relations issues, offering consulting, creativity creation, and sound PR advice.  If your PR arm is overtaxed, out of its depth, or just needs a sanity check on an important call, KerrComm specializes in delivering solid PR advice backed by experience and theory in a timely manner. 

Standard Price:  Contact us for a free estimate

Crisis Communications

Crisis Communications Planning: Depends on project

Organizations that fail to plan are in effect planning to fail.  Every organization, from international corporations to churches and non-profit organizations, should have communication plans that can be referenced in a crisis.  Communication plans can assist to avoid escalation and foster stabilization and eventual resolution.  With years of crisis communication experience ranging from environmental crises to leadership misbehavior, KerrComm consultants have worked  with institutions as varied as the military, academic institutions and churches to help ease situations and bring rapid resolution.  KerrComm helps organizations develop air-tight communications plans or can advise during tumultuous times.  Recognizing organizations are at varying levels of preparation, KerrComm tailors its involvement to best meet client needs.  Briefing topics may include:

  • Recognizing a crisis

  • Classical crisis case studies

  • Focus of PR during a crisis

  • How crises can be terminal

  • Stages of a crisis

  • Developing Crisis plans

  • Selecting a position

  • Speaking with one voice

  • From crisis to opportunity

  • What information to release

  • Vital tips

Standard  Price:  Contact us for a free estimate


Crisis Communications Response: Depends on project

If your organization is facing a potential crisis or has passed the point of no return, give us a call/email and see what we can do for you.  All of your information is kept in complete confidence, and often we can help you even on a moment's notice to strategize how to overcome the issue, and possibly even turn a negative event into positive media coverage. Please realize that KerrComm reserves the right to refuse clients as time availability and other needs dictate.  

Standard Price:  Contact us for a free estimate

Integrated Marketing and Design

Integrated Marketing Design (Film Production, Website and Graphic Design): Varies

KerrComm operates in conjunction with many business partners in order to deliver a full compliment of communication resources.  Expert graphic artists, marketing image creators and strategists, film producers and web site developers are available to ensure your service or product is put in the best possible light.  Our design crews will ensure your product receives maximum attention, adding the “pop” and “jazz” that is capable of enticing customers and expanding your customer base.  Let us partner with you to create just the image you desire, or to develop an advertising campaign that will be second to none.                                                                                                                                                

Standard Price:  Contact us for a free estimate